Oral cancer screenings are a crucial component of comprehensive dental care, designed to detect signs of oral cancer early and improve treatment outcomes. Happy Teeth offers thorough oral cancer screenings in Los Angeles, California, focusing on early detection and prevention to ensure optimal oral health.

Oral cancer can develop in various parts of the mouth, including the lips, gums, tongue and the lining of the cheeks. Early detection is vital as it significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery. Oral cancer screenings are typically performed during routine dental checkups and involve a detailed examination of the oral cavity.

Key Aspects of Oral Cancer Screenings:

  • Examination: Dr. Bruce King visually inspects your mouth for any unusual lesions, discolorations or sores that do not heal.
  • Palpation: The lymph nodes in your neck and jaw are gently palpated to check for any abnormal swelling or tenderness.
  • Technology: Advanced screening tools, such as VELscope or other diagnostic aids, may be used to detect early changes in oral tissue that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Regular oral cancer screenings are especially important for individuals with risk factors such as tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption or a family history of cancer. The procedure is quick and noninvasive, providing peace of mind and helping to catch potential issues early.

For expert oral cancer screenings, contact our dentist and team at 310-391-0699.